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Graphic Solutions Come In Many
Forms To Satisfy You, The Client!

Every advertisement that is provided through the-d-style.com is completely unique and provides you as the client the opportunity to showcase your business on a level that it has never seen. You can choose from a variety of ad sizes ranging from the standard to full page ad size. Let's push the envelope and make your web marketing campaigns a success today.


Partnership Opportunities

The-D-Style.com offers partnership opportunities to all clients looking for multi-media presentations!

By simply adding an advertisement for the-d-style.com or utilizing my hosting services by having a the-d-style.com/"Your Company" as a url your organization can cut the cost of services tremendously. Online materials can greatly see profit levels increase with this opportunity. Print Materials are not suggested for this point of service. Please contact me for more details concerning these matters.

A Bit of background

The-D-Style.com is nearly a 10 year old business in which I have developed creative ideas as well as organizational strategies to improve sales.

Here is one of the many recommendations that can be found in complete detail on LinkedIn.com at: http://www.linkedin.com/in/dariusmcdougle

“Darius is a talented web and online advertising designer. Our paper is stronger with people like him. He has a discerning eye and the technical expertise to get the job done. He understands the needs of the business and designs with that knowledge in mind. Advertisers can feel comfortable that their online creative needs will be met with Darius's skilled hands at the helm.”

March 3, 2009
Shaun Flagg, Interactive Projects Editor, The Palm Beach Post


Another Award Winner

The Bluffs Company View...
This Central Papers Of Florida Award Winning Full-Color & Full-Page Marketing piece bumped up this illustrious organizations sales an astounding 5% in the real estates industry in the droughts of Florida.

They later decided to ramp up their online advertising strategies as well. Which followed similar success patterns.


Portfolio by www.the-d-style.com © 2011. All rights reserved.